Kitchen Spatial Aspects Based on the Three Principles of Work.
Grocery store, preparing equipment and materials needed for cooking, and cooking of food, three things are three main activities are usually carried out in the kitchen. These three activities are called "work triangle". From the "work triangle" can be made pembagaian area (zoning) in the kitchen based on its function.
Probably not many of you who know the "triangle" work in the kitchen. This work triangle actually used the interior designers as a guide in managing the kitchen space. In the arrangement of a kitchen space, the work triangle is represented by the usual equipment used in each activity. For example, in food storage activities represented by the refrigerator or pantry. Then the activities of the preparatory process represented by the sink (kitchen sink). In the last process, the activity represented by the stove cooking.
Zoning or the division of the kitchen area begins with a set in the third placement of equipment. All three devices represent each activity had been placed in such a way that will form a triangle. The results more concise, practical and simple terms the three. So the efficiency of work in the kitchen would be better.
Work triangle will help us to avoid conflicting activities. By applying this concept triangle, then any activity undertaken will run in a triangular plot. For example, when will we take to cook food from the refrigerator or pantry. After taking the food to be used we move into the kitchen sink to wash and prepare food, kitchen sink is right next to the fridge. The last thing, after all the food is ready, then we will go to the stove in the kitchen sink side to cook. If all of these activities form a triangle, then each activity would certainly not interfere with each other, because each activity had a point each regular.
Work triangle concept is usually applied in the kitchen with two model lines, kitchen with a model of "U", and kitchen with island models. Especially for the kitchen single model line, this concept can not be applied. This is because the kitchen single model line, all the equipment had been on a straight line, so of course not be able to form a triangle.