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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Educating Children with the appropriate Room Design

Let us Instill environmental awareness in our children from the age dini.anda Not necessarily with a direct train through textbooks that exist.  bedroom design can also be an appropriate medium for children to learn early.

Although your child can not think clearly, the kids usually have their own mindset. Therefore, do not match the way we learn and understand something.

According to a form of language experts Prof. Primadi Tabrani, children more easily absorb information visually. It means that children can only understand the information in the form of pictures or something that can be seen clearly by the eyes and their souls. The principle is clear about the same as the typical American remarks, "Seeing is Believing".

Based on these existing theories, we must be more creative in conveying information to our children. One way is to complete the bedroom with supporting facilities. such as adding a bright color.

In order for your children to love the environment, create a design that could lead to it. by Equipping rooms with wide openings that save electrical energy does not suffice. Decorative accessories are also rooms with the smell of nature, so it looks like being in the middle of a natural forest.

let more natural look, you need to paint the room with green grass or brown soil. Place where you can sleep on the floor in order to appear like he was camping impression, do not use the mattress. Add the well-shaped toy animal or plant species to reinforce the natural atmosphere.

I can guarantee you, the child will be happy, and you certainly relaxed. with this, you have to teach children to be more intimate with nature with more practical and effective course.


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